Tremendous trees

Completion certificate

Congratulations on completing your Tremendous trees Tool Kit For Eco Heroes. You are now a tree expert!

You can download your FREE certificate here, or just click on the picture and off you go!

Be sure to display your certificate proudly and wow your friends with the fascinating facts that you’ve learnt.

Just remember to keep saving the trees.

Tremendous trees quiz

Here are the answers to the quiz

1. True: They do this through an underground network of roots.

2. True: Through a process called photosynthesis, trees absorb carbon dioxide, water and sunlight to create energy. They release oxygen, which we all need to breathe.

3. True: Trees shed their leaves in winter for a number o reasons which includes saving energy.

4. False: Conifer trees have leaves that stay green throughout the year but deciduous trees have leaves that change colour in the autumn and eventually fall to the ground.

5. True: The oldest known living tree is called Methuselah, it is found in California in theUS and is said to be over 4,800 years old.

6. True: It is thought that roughly 73,300 different tree species have been discovered so far!

7. True

8. False: Cutting down trees is never good for our environment.

9. True

10. True: Many studies have shown that spending time around trees and looking at trees reduces stress, lowers blood pressure and improves mood. So trees definitely make us happier!


Here are the answers for the activity cards

Tree search

Parts of a tree

A - Canopy
B - Branches
C - Leaves
D - Twigs
E - Trunk
F - Roots

What’s the seed?

A - Sycamore
B - Horse Chestnut
C - Oak
D - Alder
E - Silver Birch
F - Holly

Tree spotter

A - Oak
B - Pine
C - Birch
D - Horse Chestnut
E - Willow
F - Sycamore

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