
 What’s going on in May

Read more about what’s happening this month. Find a list of upcoming eco awareness days for your diary, nature news, good news stories from around the world, book recommendations, our latest blog posts and more.

Upcoming awareness days

1st to 7th May: Gardening week

8th May: Sir David Attenborough’s birthday

13th to 17th May: Water saving week

17th May: Endangered species day

20th May: World bee day

Check them out, get involved and support if you can. Visit the blog to learn more about each day, including website links and related hashtags.

20th to 24th May: Walk to school week

22nd May: International day for biodiversity

23rd May: World turtle day

25th May to 2nd June: Children’s gardening week

Nature news

Spring is in full swing in May. If you venture into the countryside, you may be lucky enough to see a few of nature’s babies from from baby roe deer and badger cubs to tawny owlets and squirrel kittens! If you see baby animals this spring it’s best to not touch them as their mums and dads are probably nearby.

If you’ve heard of No Mow May, then you’ll know that our gardens are filled with wildlife at this time of year. May is the time to let wildflowers grow, hedgehogs scuttle around and dormice forage for their food! There are lots of pollinators like moths, butterflies and bees that we can support just by letting our gardens take their course.

Things to do:

  • If you see a baby animal away from a nest or their parents it’s best to leave them where they are, if they’re injured you can contact the RSPCA for more information.

  • To help dormice as they forage for food, why not build a raised nesting box as a safe space.

Food in season

Although summer is on its way, spring produce is still at its best in May, and you might even get the chance to have your first meal in the garden or even a bank holiday picnic!

Asparagus, Lettuces, Radishes, Rhubarb, Spinach, Spring cabbages, Spring onions

These are the vegetables to sow or plant outside this month: Cabbages, Cauliflower, Courgettes, Cucumber, French beans, Runner beans, Parsley, Pumpkins, Squash, Sweetcorn, Tomatoes

Check out the latest good eco-news stories from around the world

For regular doses of climate happy news, make sure you’re following our friends at Contended Earth on social media

Book recommendations

Oceans Away

Written by Dani Seatter and illustrated by Anna Stead

Ages: 3+ years

This beautifully illustrated book tells the simple story of life in the ocean, but with an unexpected twist. Your little one will enjoy meeting the sea creatures who think they’ve found a new friend.

An incredibly gentle introduction to our environment, the problem of waste and how we can all take care of our planet.

Oceans Away is a wonderful conversation starter for slightly older children and a reminder that when we throw something ‘away’ it always goes somewhere.

Available here now.

May is the month of expectation, the month of wishes, the month of hope.
— Emily Brontë

Tool Kit For Eco Heroes

Let’s focus on Totally tropical rainforests

Our totally tropical rainforests Tool Kit is packed with hours of fun activities to help you take action and save these precious environments. We’ll help you learn more about what makes rainforests so unique and understand why they are so important. Before long you’ll be a rainforest expert…

Activities include making your own rainforest in a bottle, crafting a rainmaker, creating a peg cloth and making your own sustainable plant pots.

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