Our world
Our world is pretty special; home to humans, animals and plants. It is the only place in the universe like it, so we need to protect it.
Our amazing planet, Earth is the only place in the solar system known to support life, as it has the right combination of atmosphere, seasons, temperature and water to allow living creatures to survive.
Often called the ‘Blue Planet’, Earth looks like a big blue ball from space, as over 70% of its surface is covered with water.
All living creatures, including humans get everything they need from our Earth; food, water, clothing, shelter and even medicines. However, Earth is a fragile place and our only home that can easily be damaged by human activity. It is essential that we are careful not to take more than we need and to use our resources carefully.
Whilst some species are now struggling for survival, the human population is thriving… just 200 years ago there were fewer than one billion people on Earth and now there are almost 8 billion and the number is still rising.
As the human population has increased and our way of living has changed we are taking more and more from our beautiful planet and are producing more waste than ever before which is having a HUGE impact on our environment.
Over the next few pages discover more about our amazing planet, but also the effects that human activity has had on it and what we can do to help put it right.
Just 200 years ago there were fewer than one billion people on Earth and now there are almost 8 billion
Our Planet
Do you know how old Earth is? Or how far away we are from the Sun? Or what gravity is? Click here to learn more.
Plastic is everywhere and makes life as we know it possible, but there is a downside to this useful material. Click here to learn more.