Plastic isn’t fantastic

Completion certificate

Congratulations on completing your plastic isn’t fantastic Tool Kit For Eco Heroes. You are now a plastic waste expert!

You can download your FREE certificate here, or just click on the picture and off you go!

Be sure to display your certificate proudly and wow your friends with the fascinating facts that you’ve learnt.

Just remember to keep saving the planet.

Plastic isn’t fantastic quiz

Here are the answers to the quiz

1. True: Although there’s still a lot of plastic that doesn’t get recycled and ends up in landfill sites or polluting the environment.

2. True: Just 9% of plastic waste gets recycled across the world. In the UK, it’s 12% of plastic.

3. True: It’s thought that plastic could take up to 450 or more years to break down in the environment.

4. True

5. True

6. False

7. True

8. True: Especially in the oceans, where becoming entangled in old plastic fishing nets is a huge threat to many species.

9. True: Today there are more than 50 kinds of plastic; it is strong, lightweight and easy to create.

10. False: Worldwide plastic production is set to double by 2050!


Here are the answers for the puzzle cards

Is it plastic?

A bit of a trick questions as all of these items can contain plastic

Bag count

There are 23 bags

Toothbrush challenge

  1. One

  2. Yellow

  3. One

What’s the swap?

  • Swap a toothbrush for a bamboo toothbrush

  • Swap disposable wipes for reusable ones

  • Swap clingfilm for a beeswax wrap

  • Swap a disposable bottle for a reusable one

Plastic search

Plastic fantastic

A bit of a trick questions as all of these items can be made from recycled plastic

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