The polar bears story

It’s our planet too, roaming the Arctic is what we do…
We’re the biggest meat eater on dry land, a giant ten feet tall when we stand;
Our name in Latin is really ‘Sea Bear’, we’re built to survive in the frozen air.
Our thick fur coat of dazzling white, helps keep us warm and stay out of sight;
A layer of blubber under our skin, adds extra warmth when we go for a swim.
We even have fur on the soles of our feet, it grips the ice when we’re hunting for meat;
We can sniff out a seal far under the ice, a plump juicy one is really quite nice.
We can swim for miles in the frozen sea or float on an ice block when it comes free;
We power through water using our paws, they are strong and webbed, like a pair of oars.
We look really cute, like we’re in need of a cuddle, but getting too close can lead to trouble!
A solitary figure surveying the seas, we’re king of the arctic with no enemies.
We like to live and hunt on our own, even the mums raise our babies alone;
A snowdrift creates the perfect den, a safe haven or an icy play pen.
Our biggest threat is climate change, melting ice hampers our movements and range;
As the sea ice continues to melt away, there’s nowhere to rest, and an absence of prey.
Ice in the Artic is melting so fast, polar bears could become a thing of the past;
Man’s impact on earth comes at a price, there’ll be no polar bears, if there is no ice!
There’s only a few of us left on the planet, help save the ice, so we don’t have to panic.
We deserve a home outside of the zoo, after all, it’s our planet too!
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