The Lions Story

It’s our planet too, roaming through grasslands is what we do…
Our long flowing manes and deafening roar, a symbol of strength, luring tourists galore.
We are king of the jungle; a sight to behold, majestic and grand, with a coat of pure gold.
The adult males have a beautiful mane, a notorious sight in the land where we reign.
Our roar can be heard from miles away, warning our prey, to stay out of the way!
We’re a sociable bunch and live in a pride, cubs and grown-ups together, with mum as our guide.
To catch our lunch, we work best as a team, the girls are in charge, so it works like a dream.
We stalk, and we creep then we pounce on our food, a big juicy steak puts us in a good mood.
We like a good feast and meat is our thing, zebra’s our favourite; it’s got a good zing!
We gorge ourselves silly then laze in the sun, or we may climb a tree, just for some fun.
When day turns to night and the sun goes down, us lions wake up and take over the town.
The job for us men is to defend our home, marking our scent on the land, where we roam.
Our role is about keeping a balance, protecting the food chain, can be a big challenge.
Majestic and strong, the source of much fear, yet our own survival, is not at all clear.
Our beloved Savannah is now under threat, the loss of our home can cause us to sweat.
As our freedom to roam and our habitats crumble, lion numbers in Africa have started to tumble.
A world without lions just wouldn’t be fine, so please do what you can to stop this decline!
There’s only a few of us left on the planet, help save our home, so we don’t have to panic.
We deserve a home outside of the zoo, after all it’s our planet too…
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