The giant pandas story

It’s our planet too, munching bamboo is what we do…
We’re native to China, in the Far East, a national treasure and much-loved beast;
With round black ears and unique eye patch, on a scale of cute, there is simply no match.
Our thick woolly coat of black and white, helps keep us warm and stay hidden from sight.
A gentle giant, we are really quite shy, we don’t venture far, home is always nearby.
The mist shrouded mountains is where we call home, a solitary creature, we live all alone.
Up high in the trees, we get a great view, a place of refuge and full of food too.
We eat almost nothing apart from bamboo, for most of the day we pluck stalks and chew;
Our special paws have an extra thumb, for gripping the shoots, that will fill our tum.
To get what we need, we eat really fast, to fill up our tummies the portions are vast.
Our babies are born all tiny and pink, they are also blind so struggle to wink!
All the world over we are simply adored, for local people this brings great reward;
But as business in China continues to boom, roads replace forests, and for us this spells doom.
The trees where we live are cut and destroyed, our habitat becomes one great big void;
As our bamboo forests are being wiped out, our survival is overshadowed by doubt.
There’s only a few of us left on the planet, help save our home, so we don’t have to panic.
We deserve a home outside of the zoo, after all, it’s our planet too!
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