Brilliant blue whales

Completion certificate

Congratulations on completing your brilliant blue whales Tool Kit For Eco Heroes. You are now a blue whale expert!

You can download your FREE certificate here, or just click on the picture and off you go!

Be sure to display your certificate proudly and wow your friends with the fascinating facts that you’ve learnt.

Just remember to keep saving our planet.

Brilliant blue whale quiz

Here are the answers to the quiz

1. True: Blue whales are the largest creatures to have ever lived on planet Earth!

2. True

3. False: Even their calves are huge and are nearly 8 metres long when they are born

4. False: Blues whales are the loudest animals on the planet, their calls can reach 188 decibels, that’s even louder than a jet engine.

5. True

6. True: Blue whales travel thousands of miles each year, they often spend the summer months feeding in the colder Antarctic waters. Blue whales travel towards the warmer waters near the Equator for the winter.

7. False: Blue whales are filter feeders and do not have any teeth. Instead, its mouth has a row of fringed baleen plates to filter food from the seawater. To eat, the blue whale lets in huge amounts of water and krill into its mouth.

8. True

9. True: Blue whales sleep whilst they are swimming., but they only one half of their brain at a time and use the other half to remember to breathe, so they don’t drown.

10. False: Blue whales feed on the smallest creatures, tiny shrimp-like animals called krill.An adult blue whale can eat over 30 million krill in just one day.


Here are the answers for the puzzle cards

Weather search

Fishing fun

Finishing line H hooked the fish


A blue whale weighs the equivalent of 5769 8-year olds.

A sperm whale weighs the equivalent of 1577 8-year olds.

A humpback weighs the equivalent of 1385 8-year olds.

A pilot whale weighs the equivalent of 173 8-year olds.

Plastic isn’t fantastic

There are 13 plastic bottles.

Trash island

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