Mystical mountain gorillas

Completion certificate

Congratulations on completing your mystical mountain gorillas Tool Kit For Eco Heroes. You are now a gorilla expert!

You can download your FREE certificate here, or just click on the picture and off you go!

Be sure to display your certificate proudly and wow your friends with the fascinating facts that you’ve learnt.

Just remember to keep saving the gorillas.

Mystical mountain gorillas quiz

Here are the answers to the quiz

1. True: Gorillas are mammals and also primates, and like humans, have opposable thumbs, large brains and forward facing eyes.

2. False: Gorillas don’t have tails.

3. True: Their bite is 10 times stronger than a human and double that of the lion!

4. True: Gorillas are sociable animals and live in a group of up to 30 individuals, led by the silverback.

5. False: Their arm span is an enormous 2.6 metres, helping them walk on all fours.

6. False: Large male gorillas are called silverbacks - after the patch of silver hair on their back and hips.

7. True

8. True: Mountain gorillas spend a quarter of their day eating and more than half their day foraging for plants to eat.

9. True: Gorillas face challenges to their survival from habitat loss, poaching and even catching human diseases.

10. True: Gorillas are one of our closest relatives.


Here are the answers for the puzzle cards

The strongest bite

  1. Great white shark

  2. Saltwater crocodile

  3. Hippo

  4. Jaguar

  5. Gorilla

  6. Polar bear

How many gorillas?

There are 11 gorillas.

Mountain climb

Gorilla search

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