It’s day 44 of lockdown and home schooling might just be wearing thin! 

If you’re looking for some new ideas, remember that it’s never too early to teach our little ones about nature and the things they can do to protect planet Earth. 

Call it the ‘Greta’ effect, but encouraging an early understanding and appreciation of our environment and empowering our children to make the right choices for their future is a must.

This collection of both fiction and non-fiction books gently explains how precious our planet is and what we can all do to make a difference. 

From plastic pollution to climate change, elephant hunters to recycling, here is a few of our favourite environmental reads for toddlers and children… 

Best books to teach kids about the environment.jpg

For pre-schoolers…

Commotion In The Ocean  by Giles Andreae & David Wojtowycz

Commotion In The Ocean
by Giles Andreae & David Wojtowycz

We seem have accumulated A LOT of books over the years but good factual books that the kiddies really enjoy can be hard to find. However, Commotion In The Ocean by Giles Andreae and David Wojtowycz is definitely a favourite.

First published in 1996, it's still as good as ever, featuring fab little rhymes about all those amazing creatures that live in our oceans.

The Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson & Axel Scheffler

The Snail and the Whale
by Julia Donaldson & Axel Scheffler

This awesome kiddies book by one of the UK's best-loved creative duos; Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler is a modern classic and supposedly one of Donaldson's favourites. It has won many awards since its publication including the Early Years award for the best pre-school book and the CBBC Blue Peter award for Best Book to Read Aloud.

Most importantly it beautifully introduces children to the size and scale of the amazing whale and how vulnerable they can be despite their size...

Elmer On Stilts by David McKee

Elmer On Stilts
by David McKee

The adorable patchwork elephant has been a firm favourite in our house for many years and looking through our library of Elmer titles I remembered this one and how it gently touches on the plight of elephants today; "The hunters are coming and all the elephants are worried. Elmer, the patchwork elephant comes up with a plan to outwit the hunters but things don't turn out quite as planned..."

Beautifully written, fab illustrations and your kiddies will love it when the hunters all get squashed at the end!!

For primary children

Here We Are by Oliver Jeffers

Here We Are
by Oliver Jeffers

We are big fans of Oliver Jeffers here, I can't tell you how many times we have read his books. Here is a title that encourages young minds to think of the Earth not just as their home but as a planet that must be taken care of.

An awesome introduction to planet Earth, Here We Are covers all the basic topics that are sure to spark curiosity in your little ones, from land and sky to people and time, the human body to animals.

Flip Flap Jungle by Axel Scheffler

Flip Flap Jungle
by Axel Scheffler

What do you get when you cross a tiger and a frog? A TIGOG of course! A Leopard with a gorilla? A LEOPILLA… A parrakeet with a monkey? A PARAKKEY…

Another favourite in our house, Flip Flat Jungle is from the hugely popular 'Flip Flap' series by Axel Scheffler. Featuring brilliant illustrations as you would expect alongside snappy little rhymes to teach your kiddies about the animals.

Saving Species  by Jess French & James Gilleard

Saving Species
by Jess French & James Gilleard

Tigers, orangutans, marine turtles, polar bears, fin whales, bees as well as the mighty black rhino ... there are so many incredible animals that need saving!

Written by author, vet and children's TV presenter Jess French and illustrated by James Gilleard, Saving Species features over 30 animal alongside a call to action. This book is a brilliant tool for environmental education.

Little Book For Big Changes by Karen Ng & Kirsten Liepmann

Little Book For Big Changes
by Karen Ng & Kirsten Liepmann

Such a lovely book that has given me so many ideas of things to do with my children.

Packed with over 100 puzzles, games, craft activities, experiments and tips for children alongside wonderful illustrations.

This innovative activity book really does bring some of the key issues alive for children, whilst encouraging them to develop an understanding, empathy and a sense of responsibility for the environment.

A Planet Full Of Plastic by Neal Layton

A Planet Full Of Plastic
by Neal Layton

Isn’t it great when you come across a book that really engages with your children on an issue that really matters.

Both my children intuitively know that plastic is a really problem for our environment but this book talks to them in a language that they both understand. It explains where plastic comes from, why it doesn't biodegrade and why that's dangerous for both animals and humans. But it’s also full of ideas for how readers can help.

What A Waste by Jess French

What A Waste
by Jess French

Everything your children need to know about what we're doing to our environment, good and bad, from pollution and litter to renewable energy and plastic recycling.

Full of fascinating facts and figures, this is a perfect introduction to environmental issues for children and is suitable for a wide age range. Covering both and good and the bad and explaining how every small change helps our planet!

For older primary children

Don’t Let Them Disappear by Chelsea Clinton & Gianna Marino

Don’t Let Them Disappear
by Chelsea Clinton & Gianna Marino

Another great book that my kiddies have not only really enjoyed, but that has also sparked loads of conversations.

Chelsea Clinton introduces young readers to a number of endangered animals, sharing what makes them special but also what threatens them. Giving readers an insight into their day, Don't Let Them Disappear talks about polar bears, rhinos, tigers, whales, pandas and many more.

This lovely book also provides helpful tips on what we can all do to help prevent these animals from disappearing.

Fantastically Great Women who Saved The Planet by Kate Pankhurst

Fantastically Great Women who Saved The Planet by Kate Pankhurst

An awesome book that celebrates trail-blazing women who have helped protect our natural world.

Read the untold stories of Isatou Ceesay who has taken on the plastic problem, Dr Jane Goodall who has devoted her life to working with chimpanzees and learn about the importance of fair trade and cruelty free from Anita Roddick and The Body Shop as well as many more.

Written to inspire with hope and encouragement, this book shows that all actions, big and small, can make a difference.


The Incredible Ecosystems of Planet Earth by Rachel Ignotofsky

The Incredible Ecosystems of Planet Earth by Rachel Ignotofsky

When I came across this book I wasn't sure if it was for children or adults! It's simply beautiful.

Bestselling author Rachel Ignotofsky explains how our planet works, from its incredible ecosystems and the plants and animals that it supports to the importance of biodiversity, weather cycles and more.

Beautifully illustrated with maps and infographics, there's also information on the dangers of climate change and ideas for how to protect Planet Earth. 


