The Adélie penguins story

It’s our planet too, waddling and swimming is what we do…
Antarctic is home where we brace the cold, we seem a bit clumsy but really we’re bold.
We’re one of the smallest and look quite tubby, we’re just short and wide, you could say stubby!
Our long black tail is the Adelie guise, we have rings of white around our eyes.
Our powerful feet go flipperty flap, but our amazing grip deserves a clap.
We nest on dry land away from the sea, all friends together in one colony.
We live with our mate for all our life and both guard our nest to keep it from strife.
We shuffle about with the penguin waddle, but walking on ice is really a doddle.
We cannot fly despite having wings, in the water we’re best, just watch us swim.
We can dive really deep to catch our lunch, krill, fish or squid packs a good punch;
Our diet of fish gives the food chain a help, but whales and seals like to eat us… yelp!
Our sledging and sliding looks great fun, but the perils we face are enough to stun.
The ice will melt as the sea starts to warm and the lack of food will cause quite a storm.
More and more snow means we can’t build a nest, so no penguin babies to continue our quest.
Fishing and oil cause quite a commotion, they’ll be none of us left in the Southern Ocean.
There’s only a few of us left on the planet, help save our home, so we don’t have to panic.
We deserve a home outside of the zoo, after all, it’s our planet too!
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