It's Our Planet Too

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There’s been much hype around solar panels over the last few years, with governments offering initiatives for residents to install them on their properties, and businesses pushing towards making better use of sustainable resources for their energy needs. But are they worth the investment?

Here, we take a look at the pros and cons of solar energy, so you can decide if it’s the right step for you as an eco-conscious family.

Weather dependent

It’s no secret that here in the UK we can see only a few sunny days some years, and the majority of our seasons bring overcast skies and wet weather. As such, many people wonder if solar panels will be effective for homeowners here. But even in cold and cloudy weather, solar panels can still work surprisingly well. This is because solar panels will convert even low levels of sunlight into electricity, and aren’t dependent on heat. 

Initial investment

Something that puts many people off installing solar panels is the initial cost to get them up and running. There are different types of solar panels, made from a variety of materials and each has their own price range – so it’s worth looking into which option would suit your budget and property best.

Monocrystalline solar panels are a great option for British homes, as they have a higher output over a smaller area and last longer than polycrystalline panels. Although the initial investment may set you back between £4k - £7k, the return savings can be as much as £36,000 over a 30-year period.

If you want to install solar panels but can’t front the set-up costs, there are finance options available as well as grants and schemes from the government for people who fit the eligibility requirements. It’s worth noting that you can also sell surplus energy produced by your solar panels back to the National Grid.

Better for the planet

As an eco-conscious family, you understand the importance of protecting our planet and reducing our reliance on fossil fuels. Solar panels remain one of the best ways to boost the eco credentials of your home and live more sustainably.

By harnessing the natural resources around us, solar panels enable you to make a positive impact on the environment and the ways in which we live. The clean and renewable energy produced can help you save large amounts on your energy bills and will also support growth of the sustainability sector in our country.

Whilst the manufacturing process of solar panels isn’t yet entirely emission-free, these can be offset as the materials are up to 90% recyclable and produce energy that does not pollute the environment.

Consult an expert

The best way to determine if solar panels are worth the investment for your personal circumstances is to consult an expert. A professional solar panel installer should have a MSC certification, which means they’re accredited by the Office of Fair Trading and will only recommend solar panels that have met rigorous quality and safety standards.

The suitability of your property for solar panels largely depends on its location and available roof or ground space. A certified installer will check the orientation of your property, to assess where your home falls on the angle/pitch of the path of the sun. As a rule, south facing roofs are more suitable for solar panels, but various mounting systems can be installed to adjust the angle at which the sunlight hits your panels.

An informed decision

After your initial research and a conversation with an experienced solar panel installer, you’ll be able to assess whether or not the installation is worth it for you. Be sure to consider factors such as how long you plan to stay in your property, the expected energy production, and your budget. 

It’s worth noting that having solar panels installed can boost your property’s value if you do look to sell in the future, but many people will want to benefit from their new source of clean energy, and see a return from their investment first.